Weather forecasts are funny things. How can they tell what the weather will do tomorrow with so many variables involved? Last night, for instance, the weather forecast claimed we would have showers all day...
But this is what we woke up to this morning...sunshine! Not that I am complaining, in any way!!!
I felt the urge to make muffins this morning. Mainly because I had some stewed fruit and didn't know what I was going to do with it :) So as I lay half asleep I conjured in my head a batch of rhubarb apple and custard muffins...mmm...The challenge being to make them vegan. So I made a mix for basic muffins, added soy milk, oil and fruit in place of the milk butter and eggs, plopped some custard (also soy milk) in the middle and hey presto...They probably needed a tad more sugar, but they taste just fine otherwise :)
I love baking, and I am reasonably successful at most things I try. My only problem is I have children who prefer the dough to the end product! So the big people are left to eat it all...Until now... Now I have found the perfect compromise. It is from Leah Leneman's Easy Vegan Cooking, and it is called Oaty Chocolate Treats. I actually thought they were biscuits when I started making them the first time, and I got half way through before I realised they were not baked. They are a kinda fudgy sauce mixed with oats, fruit and nuts. But best of all everyone loves them in my house (for now anyway....) . I like them because they remind me of chocolate krispie cakes I used to make with my aunty Fofa :) (I guess you can use the same base recipe to make a vegan version of this old fave)
So spring is happening right now all over the place! All my fruit trees have been flowering and greening up a little. I have been clearing beds and digging in compost in the past week or so. Also have got pots on the go, sprinkled with seeds such as mesclun, lettuces, basil and cocktail tomatoes. We have been germinating seeds, and trying to be patient. I find this time of year doing prep for painting, I hate to have to wait! At least the weather is warming up and we no longer need fires and heaters :) And once I find batteries for my camera I can post the photos.
I live in beautiful New Zealand, where I stay at home to look after my two gorgeous girls. I enjoy being creative and I am constantly in search of inspiration.