I have finally finished my dolly, well mostly finished her apart from sewing her hat on. I do love their little faces, so cute and squidgey.
I have also been knitting a cardigan for my friends (yet to arrive) baby. So I have been busy but just haven't posted about it :)
The apples on our tree are finally coming to an end, so I have been stewing them up and freezing them (I hate wasted fruit). As we now have a freezer full of excess garden produce I think I had better make chutney from the last batch of good apples. It has been freezing cold in our little part of the world, with frost even! All the veges looked like they had been too llong at the back of the fridge when I got up this morning. The sun is shining now, which makes it more bearable, but winter is almost here . I am kind of looking forward to the chill, just not the getting out of bed on cold mornings! Oh well...