Monday, May 21, 2007

the dirt

I have been able to spend some time in the garden this weekend, finally! We have two large vege patches and I have been trying to grow most of the vegetables we need. I hate supermarket shopping, so this is a way to spend less time there. Plus I love eating fresh spray free veges and fruit, so this is the best way I can do it! We also have fruit trees littered around the garden. We inherited an old apple, an early plum, an orange, a tangelo and a lemon tree when we moved here last September. We brought some trees from our last house, as the kids had bought them with christmas money from my 88 year old nana. So we also have two pear trees, a braeburn, two olive trees, a blood orange, a pink grapefruit, a clementine, two feijoas, a limequat, raspberries, blackberries and a blackcurrant bush. All of which are pretty small, but when they mature we should not have to buy much fruit either! I love the idea of being self sufficient, well as much as possible, but it is a long slow process to get to the point where you no longer need to buy all fresh produce...and sometimes I get impatient! Especially while drooling over the day....

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