Wednesday, May 16, 2007

You have to start somewhere...

Rainbow fairies come to me,

Dance upon my paper free,

Help to make my painting bright,

Filled with love and joy and light.

This is my first post as a blogger. I have travelled in blogland, finding inspiration from other blogs, priviledged to see into other worlds, families, lives and dreams. I have until now hummed and harred about joining in. Not because I don't want to share, but probably because I think I might not have anything worth sharing. But today I have decided to leap. If anything I hope that sharing will not only inspire me creatively, but will actually force me to finish all those projects I have started! So my first post is about my inspiration...both of them. Above is Stella who is five. She is a thoughtful soul, sensible, caring and kind. And below is Ruby who is two. She is the comedian in our family, always making people laugh.

I find inspiration in both, and here is a place I can share that inspiration with others.

1 comment:

dottycookie said...

Your two are the same age as my two - and I love their names too!

Lovely face painting ... my girls are a bit obsessed with face painting.